Part 1 Military Defeat and Efforts to Reform the Constitution
- 1-1 Cairo Communique, December 1, 1943
- 1-2 Joseph Grew, Address in Chicago, December 29, 1943
- 1-3 Fomulating the Postwar Policy on Japan in the U.S. Department of State
- 1-4 A Message to the People of Japan from President of the United States of America Harry S. Truman, May 8, 1945
- 1-5 U.S. Initial Post-Surrender Policy for Japan
- 1-6 Records of Negotiations Related to the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration
- 1-7 Imperial Rescript of the Termination of the War, August 14, 1945
- 1-8 Truman's Approval of "National Composition of Forces to Occupy Japan" (prepared by SWNCC), August 18, 1945
- 1-9 The Far Eastern Advisory Commission Terms of Reference (SWNCC 65/7), August 21, 1945
- 1-10 Imperial Rescript on the Signing of the Instrument of Surrender, September 2, 1945
- 1-11 Message to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur concerning the Authority of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, September 6, 1945
- 1-12 "Reform of the Japanese Governmental System" (prepared by SWNCC Subcommittee for the Far East), October 8, 1945
- 1-13 Joint Chiefs of Staff, "Basic Initial Post-Surrender Directive to Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers for the Occupation and Control of Japan," November 1, 1945
- 1-14 Bureau of Legislation Internal Study of Constitutional Revision Problem
- 1-15 Toshiyoshi Miyazawa, "Main Points of Revisions of Constitution and Its Appended Statutes on the Basis of the Potsdam Declaration" (Speech at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) , September 28, 1945
- 1-16 Teiji Yabe, "Draft of Constitutional Revision" (Interim Report), October 3, 1945
- 1-17 Study in Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Constitution Reform
- 1-18 Record of Meeting of Minister of State Konoye and General MacArthur, October 4, 1945
- 1-19 Memos and Correspondence by George Atcheson, Jr., a political advisor to SCAP, on Prince Konoye
- 1-20 Conference Between Prime Minister Shidehara and General MacArthur, October 11, 1945
- 1-21 Letter, Shigeru Yoshida to Nobuaki Makino, regarding Constitutional Revision by the Government and by the Office of the Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, October 13, 1945
- 1-22 Aim of the Establishment of the Constitutional Problems Investigation Committee
- 1-23 Minobe Report
Part 2 Creation of Various Proposals to Reform the Constitution
- 2-1 Prince Konoye's Draft of Constitution Revision
- 2-2 Soichi Sasaki, "Necessity to Reform the Imperial Constitution," November 24, 1945
- 2-3 Records of Arguments at the Constitutional Problems Investigation Committee and Reform Proposals presented by each member
- 2-4 Joji Matsumoto's "Four-Point Principle for Constitutional Reform,"
December 8, 1945
- 2-5 Report on the Survey Regarding Constitutional Reform by the Public Opinion Survey Division, the Bureau of Information, December 19, 1945
- 2-6 Junji Nomura, "Position Paper Regarding Constitutional Reform," December 26, 1945
- 2-7 Miyazawa Drafts (A) (B), January 4, 1946
- 2-8 Joji Matsumoto, "Draft of Tentative Revision of the Constitution," January 4, 1946
- 2-9 Drafts of Official Regulations Covering the Constitutional Reform Investigation and Deliberative Committees, January 18 to 19, 1946
- 2-10 Tentative Revision of the Constitution (A) and (B)
- 2-11 Minutes of Constitutional Problems Investigation Committee Meeting, October 1945 to Februay 1946
- 2-12 Various Proposals of Constitutional Revisions by Political Parties
- 2-13 Drafts of the Constitution by Iwasaburo Takano
- 2-14 Ichiro Kiyose, "Thoughts on Amendments to Articles of the Constitution," December 22, 1945
- 2-15 Tatsuji Fuse, "Constitutional Reform Draft," December 22, 1945
- 2-16 Constitution Investigation Association, "Outline of Constitution Draft," December 26, 1945
- 2-17 Drafts of the Constitution by Masatsugu Inada and the Constitution Discussion Society
- 2-18 All Japan Lawyers' Association, "Draft of Constitution Revision," January 21, 1946
- 2-19 Kishio Satomi, "Suggested Revision of Constitution of the Empire of Japan," January 28, 1946
- 2-20 Investigation Report by Constitutional Studies Committee, Imperial University of Tokyo
Part 3 Formulation of the GHQ Draft and Response of the Japanese Government
- 3-1 Emperor, Imperial Rescript Denying His Divinity (Professing His Humanity)
- 3-2 Reform of the Japanese Governmental System (SWNCC 228)
- 3-3 Telegram, MacArthur to Eisenhower, Commander in Chief, U.S. Army Forces, Pacific, concerning exemption of the Emperor from War Criminals, January 25, 1946
- 3-4 Establishing Far Eastern Commission and its Meetings with GHQ
- 3-5 Rowell "Report of preliminary studies and recommendations of Japanese Constitution," December 6, 1945
- 3-6 Rowell "Comments on Constitutional revision proposed by private group," January 11, 1946
- 3-7 Courtney Whitney's Memorandum Regarding Constitutional Reform, February 1, 1946
- 3-8 Article from the Mainichi Shimbun, "Constitutional Problems Investigation Committee Draft Proposal," February 1, 1946
- 3-9 Whitney's Memorandum Regarding the Mainichi article, "Constitutional Problems Investigation Committee Draft Proposal," February 2, 1946
- 3-10 MacArthur Notes (MacArthur's Three Basic Points), February 3, 1946
- 3-11 Whitney's Memorandum Regarding the Japanese Government's Proposed Revisions, February 6, 1946
- 3-12 Matsumoto Draft Submitted to GHQ
- 3-13 Charles Kades' Comments on the "Gist of the Revision of the Constitution (Matsumoto Draft)," February 12, 1946
- 3-14 GHQ Original Draft
- 3-15 GHQ Draft, February 13, 1946
- 3-16 Records of the Meeting when GHQ Draft was Presented to Japanese Government, February 13, 1946
- 3-17 Correspondence between Jiro Shirasu and General Whitney ("Jeep Way Letter")
- 3-18 Joji Matsumoto, "Supplementary Explanation concerning the Constitutional Revision," February 18, 1946
- 3-19 Meeting of Matsumoto with Whitney, Februay 22, 1946
- 3-20 Drafting the Constitution of Japan (March 2 Draft) and its Submission to GHQ
- 3-21 Negotiations with GHQ and Drafting the Constitution of Japan (March 5 Draft)
- 3-22 Publication of "Outline of a Draft for a Revised Constitution"
- 3-23 Comments by the Department of State on "Outline of a Draft for a Revised Constitution"
- 3-24 Summary of Prime Minister Shidehara's Explanation of the Draft Constitution in the Privy Council, March 20, 1946
- 3-25 Publication of Colloquially written Constitution Draft
- 3-26 Negotiations with GHQ Regarding Partial Revision to the Draft of the New Constitution
- 3-27 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "International and Domestic Opinions on the Draft of the Constitution Revision"
- 3-28 Far Eastern Commission Request for Consultation on Japanese Constitution
Part 4 Deliberations in the Imperial Diet
- 4-1 Records of the Privy Council Committee, April to May 1946
- 4-2 Government Announcement, "Revisions Resubmitted to the Privy Council," June 8, 1946
- 4-3 "Bill for Revision of the Imperial Constitution," Submitted to the Imperial Diet, June 20, 1946
- 4-4 Supposed Dialogues and Itemized Explanations Related to the Draft for a Revised Constitution, April to June 1946
- 4-5 MacArthur's Statement on Deliberations over the Constituion Draft, June 21, 1946
- 4-6 Far Eastern Commission, "Basic Principles for a New Japanese Constitution," July 2, 1946
- 4-7 Letter, Kenneth Colegrove to President Harry S. Truman, July 29, 1946
- 4-8 Minister Kanamori's Six Principles on the Constitutional Reform, July 17, 1946
- 4-9 Amendments in the House of Representatives Subcommittee, July 27 to 29, 1946
- 4-10 Bill for Revision of Imperial Constitution Revised and Passed by the House of Representatives
- 4-11 Far Eastern Commission, "Further Policies relating to a New Japanaese Constitution" and Civilians' Clause
- 4-12 Amended Bill for Revision of the Imperial Constitution Passed by the Special Committee in the House of Peers, October 3, 1946
- 4-13 Record of the Examination Committee of Privy Council on the Bill for Revision of the Imperial Constitution after the Decision in the 90th Session, October 19, 1946
- 4-14 Constitution of Japan, November 3, 1946
- 4-15 Assesments of New Constitution
- 4-16 Discussions on the Day for Promulgation of the Constitution
- 4-17 Celebration of the "Constitution of Japan Promulgation Commemoration Ceremony" in the House of Peers, November 3, 1946
Part 5 Enactment of the Constitution of Japan
- 5-1 Correspondence between Yoshida and MacArthur on General Election
- 5-2 Correspondence between Yoshida and MacArthur on Displaying the National Flag
- 5-3 Constitution Popularization Society, "Program for the Celebration Commemorating the Enforcement of the New Constitution," May 3, 1947
- 5-4 Opening Ceremony of the First Session of the Diet, June 23, 1947
- 5-5 Far Eastern Commission's Policy Decision on the Review of a New Japanese Constitution
- 5-6 Publication and Work of the Constitution Popularization Society
- 5-7 Society for Education in Chiba Prefecture, "Explanation of the New Constitution"
- 5-8 Alfred Hussey, Memorandum on Program for Publicizing the new Japanese Constitution, February 5, 1947
- 5-9 Juvenile Books and Publications on the New Constitution
- 5-10 Explanatory Illustrations of the Constitution of Japan
- 5-11 The Temporary Committtee for the Investigation of Legal Systems
- 5-12 Government Section, Memorandum on Status of Bills Implementing Enforcement of New Constitution, February 28, 1947
- 5-13 Eliminating the Crimes of High Treason and Lese Majesty from Criminal Code
- 5-14 Revision of the Diet Law
- a.
Hitoshi Ashida, "Diary of Hitoshi Ashida" (portions concerning revision of the Constitution, 1945 to 1946)
- b.
Toshio Irie, "Notes on the Process of Constitutional Reform," January to May 1946
- c.
Joji Matsumoto, "General Negotiations with GHQ I II III," February to May 1946
- d.
Alfred Hussey Papers; Constitution File No. 1, February 1 to March 6, 1946
- e.
Far Eastern Commission Records (FEC-031 : Japanese Constitution)
- f.
Civil Historical Section, GHQ/SCAP, "History of the Non-Military Activities of the Occupation of Japan, 1945 through December 1951", [Vol. 7] Constitutional Revision
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