Documents with Commentaries

2-18 All Japan Lawyers' Association, "Draft of Constitution Revision," January 21, 1946

 The All Japan Lawyers' Association was established in 1939 based on the Practicing Attorney Law and is an organization comprising all of the Bar Associations across Japan. As early as September 25, 1945, this association submitted a motion to Prime Minister Prince Higashikuni that the justice system be reformed. They also had 15 members elected to the investigation committee for constitutional reform on October 27. On January 21 of the following year, at a regular general meeting, they settled on a proposal for constitutional reform based on the stance of all the bar associations in Japan. It comprised several ideas, including that to establish a democratic government with a direct connection between the Emperor and the people the revisions must contain a referendum system, expansion of the powers of the Diet, and limits on the Emperor's prerogative. In regard to the justice system, it cited placement of the administrative court under the jurisdiction of the judicial court and reparation by the state.

Actual Title of Source Dai Nippon Bengoshi Kai Rengokai Kenpo Kaisei An
Document Number Irie Toshio Papers: 11
Repository (reproduction)  
Repository National Diet Library
Note This material was considered the precursor to the draft presented on January 21, 1946.
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