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Remote photoduplication service

You can request photocopies without visiting the library by using the NDL's remote photoduplication services.

There are two remote photoduplication services available for a fee. Photocopies ordered via the first service are delivered either by courier or postal mail. Photocopies ordered via the second service are delivered via a link for downloading a PDF file. Availability of these services will depend on the patron's user status and the availability of the requested materials. Please verify your user status before attempting to use these services. Also, please note that the photocopying fees will differ depending on which delivery method you choose. Please check the cost of both methods carefully before making your request.

Remote photoduplication service (courier or postal mail)

You can use this service to request printed photocopies of library materials without visiting the NDL and have them delivered by courier or postal mail. This service is available for a fee.

Who can use this service

Remote photoduplication service (courier or postal mail) is available to registered individual users and registered institutional users. Patrons who are not registered users of the NDL may request copies via a local public or university library that offers interlibrary services. Please ask at your local library.

Materials for which photoduplication services are available

  • All materials held by the NDL, including some materials published online, are available for photoduplication except the following:
    • Residential maps
    • Electronic materials and audio-visual materials (CDs, DVDs, etc.)
  • Printouts from subscription e-journals and e-books are only available to individual patrons residing in Japan. Available e-journals are listed below: Find e-Journal / e-Book

Before applying

The application process differs, depending on the purpose of the photocopies.

To request photocopies for study or research in a subject of personal interest

Request via the Internet

You can apply for photocopies via the NDL Search. Please refer to the Remote Photoduplication Services (courier or postal mail) on the NDL Search Help Page to learn how to request photocopies.

Request by postal mail

You can send requests by postal mail using the Request Form for Remote Photoduplication (Courier or Postal mail) (PDF: 301KB) provided that you:

  • Need copies of materials that are not included in the NDL Search.
  • Have no Internet access.

To request photocopies for any reason other than for study or research in a subject of personal interest

Please submit your request by postal mail when requesting photocopies for submission to a court or any purpose other than your own personal study or research. We do not accept online applications for this purpose. You are also required to submit an Application for Permission (PDF: 165KB) along with a Request Form.

Fees and Payment


Please refer to the following pages for information on copying fees.


Each parcel is shipped with an invoice enclosed, and payment is made after receipt of copies. After receiving your copies, please check to be sure they are correct. If there are no problems, please make payment at a bank or convenience store within 20 days of receipt. Please be aware that additional fees might also apply.
If you reside outside of Japan, please see also Remote photoduplication service for overseas patrons.

Forms and Mailing Address


Mailing Address

ILL-Section, Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library
8-1-3 Seikadai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto Prefecture
619-0287 Japan

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Remote photoduplication service (PDF file download)

You can use this service to request digital photocopies of library materials without visiting the NDL and receive them by downloading a PDF file. This service is available for a fee.

Who can make request

This service is available only to those who meet all the following criteria. Please note that you must agree to the Terms of Service for Remote Photoduplication Service (PDF file download) (PDF: 139KB) each time you apply for the service.

  • Individual patrons who are official registered users of the NDL
  • Those who have registered a valid email address

This service is not available to the following patrons:

  • Simple registered users (formerly known as online registered users)
  • Patrons who have not registered a valid email address
  • Registered Institutional Users

For more information about user registration, please refer to User Registration.
For information on how to register your email address, please refer to Revise user information (individuals).

Materials for which photoduplication services are available

In general, it is possible to request photocopies of any material held by the NDL through the remote photoduplication service (PDF file download). The following materials, however, are not available:

Materials not available via remote photoduplication services (PDF file download)

  • Musical scores
  • Maps
  • Photo books
  • Art books
  • Magazines published within the past year
  • Materials designated by the Society for Administration of Remuneration for Public Transmission by Libraries or Similar Facilities (SARLIB)
  • Electronic materials/audio-visual materials (CDs, DVDs, etc.)
  • Materials available via the Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Individuals/Libraries(Patrons residing overseas, however, may apply for these materials.)
  • Online Publications
  • Doctoral Dissertations in electronic form
  • Some Special Materials Rooms' materials that cannot be found via the National Diet Library Search (NDL Search)(e.g., materials in the Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room (Kensei-shiryôshitsu) that cannot be found via the NDL Search)

* Excluded materials are defined in the 図書館等における複製及び公衆送信ガイドライン (Guidelines for Reproduction and Public Transmission in Libraries, etc.) and some regulations by the NDL.

* In addition to the above, photocopies of e-journals are not available via the remote photoduplication service (PDF file download).

* Some materials not available via the remote photoduplication service (PDF file download) might be available via the remote photoduplication service (courier or postal mail). For details, please see Remote Photoduplication Service (courier or postal mail) on the NDL Search Help Page.

Before applying

How to request remote photoduplication services (PDF file download)

Apply for photocopies via the NDL Search. Please refer to the Remote Photoduplication Services (PDF file download) on the NDL Search Help Page to learn how to request photocopies.

* Remote photoduplication services (PDF file download) cannot be requested by postal mail. Please use remote photoduplication service (courier or postal mail) for materials in Special Materials Rooms that cannot be found via the NDL Search.

Fees and Payment


Please refer to the following page for information on photocopying fees.


  • Payment is made after downloading PDF files. The payment amount and method are indicated in the email sent to you when the download becomes available. First, please check the PDF files to be sure that they are correct. If there are no problems, please make a payment at a bank within 20 days from the date the download becomes available. Please be aware that additional transfer fee might also apply.
  • If you are an overseas patron, please see also Remote photoduplication service for overseas patrons.

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Inquiries about Photoduplication Service

Please visit the following pages before contacting us:

If you still have questions, please contact us by telephone or email.

For general inquiries about remote copying services, materials in the Kansai-kan's collection, and copying of digital data:

ILL-Section, Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library
Tel: 0774-98-1313 / E-mail: ill-secat n d l dot g o dot j p

For questions about copying materials stored at the Tokyo Main Library, please contact:

Photoduplication Service Division, Readers Services and Collections Department
Tel: 03-3581-2534 / E-mail: mccopyat n d l dot g o dot j p

For questions about copying materials stored at the International Library of Children's Literature, please contact:

Resources and Information Division,International Library of Children's Literature
E-mail: shijo-ilclat n d l dot g o dot j p

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