Service for the Registered Users
Registered users can use the following services in the library:
Inter-site request
Some of the materials that are held in the Tokyo Main Library and/or the International Library of Children's Literature are available for the inter-site request.
For details, please inquire at the Information Desk.
Inter-site requests are accepted between 9:30 and 17:30.
Reservation for reading on-site
You can reserve the materials in the closed stacks of the Kansai-kan in advance and claim them on the day of your visit without any request procedures.
- Way to reserve: Via the Internet or at the library
- Available day: One single day between three and eight library opening days after you made the reservation.
Example -- If you make a reservation on April 6 (Thursday), you can reserve a day for your visit between April 10 (Monday) and April 15 (Saturday).
*Please note that in some cases, a requested material may not be available.