Reading Room (Kansai-kan)
The Reading Room of the Kansai-kan consists of one large floor.
The area on the east side of the Reading Room is the General Collections Room, and the west side of it is the Asian Resources Room.
At the terminals in both rooms, you can request materials such as books and magazines in the closed stacks and browse the National Diet Library Digital Collections and online databases.
General Collections Room
Reference books in various fields (excluding those related to Asia), abstracts and indexes, domestic government publications, legal and parliamentary materials, library and information science materials, major magazines and newspapers, and telephone directories from all over the country are on the shelves.
Asian Resources Room
Reference books, magazines, newspapers, etc. related to East Asia (excluding Japan), Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East and North Africa are available.
Study Rooms
If you wish to do research using the materials belonging to the library individually or in groups, Study Rooms are available. Study Rooms are also available for people with visual impairments who have an accompanying person to read to them. (The Study Rooms are only for people who are using the materials in the library.)
Please ask at the Information Desk for details.
Contact Us
Reference Services Section, Public Services Division, Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library
0774-98-1341(9:30-17:00. Not available on days the library is closed.)