The Reference
ISSN 1349-208X
ISSN-L 0034-2912
(print version) ISSN 0034-2912
The Reference is the Research and Legislative Reference Bureau's monthly magazine which contains policy and legal analysis on state affairs, historical studies, and comparative studies on domestic and foreign systems, from medium- to long-term perspective.(Japanese)
No.890(February 2025)
- Current Status and Issues of the Probation Volunteer System (PDF: 1577KB)
- The Current Posture on NATO’s Military Force (PDF: 740KB)
- Outline of the Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Focusing on the Relationship between the European Part and the Caribbean Part of the Kingdom (PDF: 1040KB)
- Current Status and Issues of Digital Community Currencies: Case Studies of “Sarubobo Coin”, “Negi” and “Mebuku Pay” (PDF: 943KB)
No.889(January 2025)
- Omnibus Bills in Japan and the House of Commons of Canada (PDF: 1230KB)
- The Constitution and Emergency Law of Norway (PDF: 860KB)
- Regulation of Drunk Driving: Trends in Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany and France (PDF: 1026KB)
- PFAS Policies in Foreign Countries: Focusing on the USA and EU (PDF: 1043KB)
- Vehicle-Related Taxes in Foreign Countries (PDF: 1292KB)
No.888(December 2024)
- Toward New Railroad Station Based Regional Development: Some Policies and Cases in the Metropolitan Suburbs (PDF: 2220KB)
- Issues for Hospital at Home (PDF: 1279KB)
- Three Approaches to Price Stability: Beyond Virtuous Cycle between Wages and Prices (PDF: 1306KB)
- Ballot Information Presented to Constitutional Referendum/Initiative Voters in U.S. States (PDF: 1332KB)
- Lobbying Regulations in Foreign Countries (PDF: 965KB)
No.887(November 2024)
- Budget Process and Recent Trends of National Budget in Sweden (PDF: 947KB)
- Promotion of Students’ Wellbeing in School: Focusing on the Trends of Educational Policy in the European Union (PDF: 921KB)
- Background and Status Quo of Citizens’ Assemblies in Germany: A Form of Citizen Participation (PDF: 894KB)
- Current Status of Regulation of Mass Media Concentration: In Light of the Changing Media Environment (PDF: 1085KB)
No.886(October 2024)
- Efforts of EU for Soil Health Restoration (PDF: 1869KB)
- An Overview and Issues of Government Cloud (PDF: 1423KB)
- Background and Current Situation on the Strengthening of Maritime Security Capabilities: The Increasing Tension in the Waters Surrounding Japan and the Strengthening of the Japan Coast Guard (PDF: 902KB)
No.885(September 2024)
- The History of and Current Issues in High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal: Trends in Japan and Around the World (PDF: 2015KB)
- Current Issues in Majority Representation at the Workplace (PDF: 839KB)
- The Family in the Irish Constitution: The Thirty-Ninth Amendment of the Constitution (The Family) Bill 2023 (PDF: 894KB)
- The Dissemination of Disinformation in Taiwan: Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election (PDF: 1155KB)
No.884(August 2024)
- Command and Control in Multinational Operations Conducted by NATO (PDF: 749KB)
- PFAS Problems and the United States Military: Focusing on Efforts of the Department of Defense (PDF: 999KB)
- Effectiveness of Tax Incentives for Investment: International Implementations and Discussions (PDF: 1099KB)
- The Current Situation and Challenges of Medical Restraints in Mental Hospitals (PDF: 1011KB)
No.883(July 2024)
No.882(June 2024)
- Development of Switzerland’s Agricultural and Food Security Policy in the 2020s (PDF: 964KB)
- Irish Constitution and Care: 2024 defeat of the care amendment referendum (PDF: 772KB)
- Trends in Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (PDF: 1046KB)
- Initiatives Supporting the Employment of Seniors in the Kyushu Region (PDF: 915KB)
No.881(May 2024)
- Impact on Surrounding Local Governments Due to the Introduction of a Non-statutory Earmarked Tax: Empirical Analysis on Industrial Waste Disposal Taxes (PDF: 1190KB)
- Emergency Provisions of the Meiji Constitution (PDF: 974KB)
- Regulation of Online Gambling: Trends in Japan and the United Kingdom (PDF: 1063KB)
No.880(April 2024)
- The Process and Present State of Housing Complex Regeneration (PDF: 3936KB)
- Regional Extended Coverage System for Collective Bargaining Agreements: Trends and Issues in the System for Determining Working Conditions (PDF: 905KB)
- Constitutional Referendums in the Commonwealth of Australia: A Difficult Task Like “One of the Labours of Hercules”? (PDF: 1246KB)
- Climate Change and the US Armed Forces: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Climate Change Adaptation and Energy Strategies (PDF: 922KB)
No.879(March 2024)
- Current Status and Issues of International Container Shipping in Japan (PDF: 925KB)
- Issues of Robot Tax (PDF: 1075KB)
- State of Affairs of Postal Services in Foreign Countries, Focusing on Network of Post Offices and State Aid (PDF: 1119KB)
- Ensuring Cybersecurity and Protecting the Secrecy of Communications: Discussions over the Past 20 Years and Issues towards the Introduction of Active Cyber Defense and Other Measures (PDF: 1332KB)
No.878(February 2024)
- Provisions in Respect of Foreign Armed Forces in Domestic Law of the United Kingdom (PDF: 842KB)
- Data Protection Law in the EU and the Rise of Digital Constitutionalism: Toward Constitutional Governance of AI Regulation (PDF: 946KB)
- Environment of Hospitalized Children and Accompanying Families (PDF: 985KB)
No.877(January 2024)
- Competition for Hometown Tax Donations in Exchange for Reciprocal Gifts and the Introduction of a “Designation System”: Is Competition for Reciprocal Gifts No Longer Held under the “Designation System”? (PDF: 938KB)
- Food Security Policy in Finland, Especially Its Stockpiling System (PDF: 1076KB)
- Issues Surrounding Collection of Property Tax: Action on Appropriate Collection in the Kansai Region (PDF: 814KB)
No.876(December 2023)
- Controlling Proposals by Legislators for New Laws or Amendments to Existing Laws that Require Funding (PDF: 1080KB)
- Trends in Renewable Energy Policies in France: The Background to the Renewable Energy Acceleration Law (PDF: 1003KB)
- The Digital Age and National Identity Cards in Japan and other Countries: Verifying Identity for Online Government Services (PDF: 897KB)
- Current Trends in Agricultural Safety (PDF: 1038KB)
- Reforming Working Conditions in the Logistics Industry and Policies for Addressing Issues (PDF: 996KB)
- Current Trends in Special Accounts for Foreign Exchange Funds: Toward Sound Management of Foreign Currency Assets (PDF: 1037KB)
No.875(November 2023)
- Development and Current Status of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) in Japan (PDF: 1436KB)
- Development of Environmental Policies in France (PDF: 908KB)
- An Overview of Main Political Parties in the UK, Germany and France (PDF: 934KB)
- The Current Situation of Abortion in the United States: Roe v. Wade Overturned (PDF: 919KB)
- Measures to Attract Nursing Professionals in Germany: Focusing on Recruiting from Abroad for the German Labor Market (PDF: 898KB)
No.874(October 2023)
- Non-textual Amendments of the Constitution Act of Canada: How to Incorporate Them (or Not) in the Consolidated Text (PDF: 1064KB)
- State Immunity from Civil Jurisdiction in Respect to United States Forces in the United Kingdom (PDF: 824KB)
- The Upper Limit on Working Hours (PDF: 872KB)
- Extra-legal Measures or Extra-statutory Measures and Emergency Powers (PDF: 712KB)
No.873(September 2023)
- The History of International Trade in Services of Japan from 1996 to 2022 (PDF: 1925KB)
- Appointment of Members of Constitutional Review Bodies in Major Countries (PDF: 768KB)
- Trends in Revision of Ministerial Code in the United Kingdom: Focusing on 2022 (PDF: 775KB)
- Personnel Exchange between the Government and Private Sector: a Comparison of Systems in Japan and Germany (PDF: 938KB)
No.872(August 2023)
- Trends and Issues Regarding the Landscape Act (PDF: 1922KB)
- Current Status and Issues of Coastal Conservation in Japan: Focusing on Beach Conservation (PDF: 941KB)
- Issues with and Cases Studies on Excess Profi ts Tax (PDF: 975KB)
- The Economic Impacts of Introducing the Accommodation Tax and Its Background (PDF: 781KB)
No.871(July 2023)
- Balance Sheet Issues at the Central Bank and the New Governor of the Bank of Japan: Recent Empirical Research and Past Remarks by Dr. Kazuo Ueda (PDF: 767KB)
- Agricultural Legislation in Switzerland: A look at the Direct Payment System (PDF: 1125KB)
- Disinformation as a Means of Election Interference and International Law (PDF: 747KB)
- Arguments on Introduction of Duty of General Service in Germany (PDF: 847KB)
No.870(June 2023)
- Federal Preemption in the United States: A Case Study (PDF: 1149KB)
- Construction and Repair of the Facilities of U.S. Forces Japan and Enhancement of War Sustainability and Resiliency: Focusing on U.S. Funded Projects (PDF: 978KB)
- Discussion on Economic Sanctions: Purpose, Effectiveness, and Legal Issues of International Law (PDF: 826KB)
- Broadcasting Services and Information Accessibility (PDF: 1310KB)
No.869(May 2023)
- France 2030: Overview and Prospects of the Long-Term Industrial Plan (PDF: 864KB)
- Economic Theory and Empirical Evidence on the Effects of Income Transfers from Government to Households on Fertility Rates: Focusing on Family-Quotient System of French Income Taxation (PDF: 1246KB)
- Athlete Likenesses and Sponsorship (PDF: 1148KB)
No.868(April 2023)
No.867(March 2023)
- Constitutional Amendments in Canada (PDF: 1117KB)
- A New Strategic Concept and Future Plans for the U.S. Marine Corps: Progress or Regression? Considering the Outcome (PDF: 1038KB)
- Current Issues in Private Management of State-Managed Airports under the Civil Aviation Airport Management Act (PDF: 867KB)
- Participation in Parliamentary Elections by Expatriate French Citizens (PDF: 774KB)
No.866(February 2023)
- Policies Addressing Loneliness and Social Isolation in Japan (PDF: 1330KB)
- The New EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): 2023-2027 (PDF: 984KB)
- The Challenges of Virtual Parliament in G7 Countries: Focusing on UK and USA (PDF: 837KB)
- The Oversight Bodies of Parliamentary Ethics in the French Parliament (PDF: 779KB)
- Arguments on Prohibition of Imperative Mandate in Italy (PDF: 801KB)
No.865(January 2023)
No.864(December 2022)
No.863(November 2022)
No.862(October 2022)
- Transformation Trends of Japan Ground Self Defense Force: With a Focus on the Issues concerning the Defense of Japan's Southwestern Islands (PDF: 1026KB)
- Monetary Compensation System for Unfair Dismissals (PDF: 889KB)
- Issues of Local Tax Collection: What Factors Determine Local Tax Collection Rate? (PDF: 1079KB)
- Electing or Appointing Senators in OECD: Focusing on Regional Representatives and Malapportionment (PDF: 813KB)
No.861(September 2022)
- Status of PFI Projects and Measures to Promote Them: Focusing on the Situation after the 2011 Revision of the PFI Law (PDF: 854KB)
- Legal Basis for Behavioral Restrictions Due to the Pandemic in Germany: Ordinances of the Executive and Parliamentary Participation (PDF: 826KB)
- Constitutional Review by the Constitutional Law Committee of the Finnish Parliament (PDF: 731KB)
- Humanitarian Consequences of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Responses of the Group of Seven(G7) and Other Countries, the United Nations General Assembly, International Organizations and NGOs (PDF: 1083KB)
No.860(August 2022)
- Current Issues with Entrepreneurship Education in Japan (PDF: 850KB)
- Diversity of Legal Systems for Couples: Marriage, Registered Partnership, and "union libre" (PDF: 961KB)
- Fiscal Rules in Major Countries: Achieving a Surplus in the Primary Balance (PDF: 1188KB)
- Evolution of the International Framework for Climate Change and COP26 (PDF: 1050KB)
No.859(July 2022)
- The Relationship between Acceptance of the Hometown Tax Donation and Benefit to Local Public Services in Japan: Evaluation of Policy Effect Based on Hedonic Approach (PDF: 1159KB)
- Labor Force Employed in Agriculture: Background, Developments and Current State (PDF: 1504KB)
- Process and the Present State of River Utilization (PDF: 2379KB)
- Trends in the Review of International Taxation Rules in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy: New Framework for Digital Taxation and Global Minimum Tax (PDF: 1163KB)
No.858(June 2022)
No.857(May 2022)
No.856(April 2022)
- "To Close the Slavery Loophole": Movements for Constitutional Amendment in the USA (PDF: 1390KB)
- Trickle-down as a Result of Tax Cuts for the Super Rich: Consideration and Discussion of the Determinants of Income Inequality (PDF: 770KB)
- Current Issues with Introduction of Light Rail Transit in Japan: Public Transport Policies and Urban Sustainability (PDF: 2246KB)
- Issues of the Copyright System in the GIGA School Program (PDF: 930KB)
No.855(March 2022)
- Current Issues with the Use of Information Technology in Civil Procedures (PDF: 833KB)
- Congressional Oversight of Military Operations and Authorization for Use of Military Force since 9/11 (PDF: 919KB)
- Human Rights and Sanctions from the Perspective of International Law: The Debate at the UN General Assembly on Unilateral Coercive Measures (PDF: 938KB)
- The Histories of Governments in 10 Western Countries since 1945 (PDF: 861KB)
No.854(February 2022)
- The Principle of Generality in Law-Making and "Measure Laws" in Japan (PDF: 949KB)
- Deployment and Training of Osprey by U.S. Forces Japan: Details and the Current State (PDF: 1034KB)
- Developments of the Farmers and Farmland Plan: Future Design of Farmers and Farmland Utilizing Village Functions (PDF: 900KB)
- The Relationship Between Increasing Vacant Homes Due to Aging Population and Setting of Property Tax Rates by Local Governments (PDF: 1154KB)
No.853(January 2022)
- Fiscal Illusion in a Democracy: Relationship Between Underestimation of Tax Burden, etc. by Voters and Expansion of Government Spending (PDF: 907KB)
- Trends and Issues in Cycling Policy (PDF: 1109KB)
- Trend of the Support for the Culture and Creative Sector in Europe in the Digitalization Age (PDF: 907KB)
- International Planning for a New Collider: For Realization of the Higgs Factory (PDF: 1537KB)
- Constitutional Tribunal of Poland (PDF: 972KB)
No.852(December 2021)
- Foreword : Special Issue on Regulations for Referendum Campaigns Using the Internet (PDF: 321KB)
- Legal Regulations for Referendum Campaigns Using the Internet (PDF: 514KB)
- Regulations of Referendum Campaigns in the United Kingdom: Current Situation and Trends Concerning the Introduction of Regulations of Referendum Campaigns on the Internet (PDF: 762KB)
- Regulations for Referendum Campaigns Using the Internet in France (PDF: 733KB)
- Regulation of Online Political Advertising in Ireland: From the Perspective of Constitutional Referendums (PDF: 730KB)
- Referendums and Online Ads Regulation in California (PDF: 732KB)
- Overview and Challenges of the Proposal for EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (EU-CBAM): Compatibility with WTO Rules and Harmonization with the Paris Agreement (PDF: 864KB)
- Assessed Contributions and Voluntary Contributions of International Organizations (PDF: 929KB)
No.851(November 2021)
- U.S. Supreme Court Case Law on Student Speech Rights: Public Schools’ Power to Regulate Student Expression and the First Amendment (PDF: 829KB)
- Prohibiting Forced Labor and Compelling Military Service: A Comparison of Constitutional Clauses of Japan and the USA (PDF: 1085KB)
- What is Osprey: Reviewing the Major Issues (PDF: 997KB)
- Investigatory Powers of the French Parliament (PDF: 1084KB)
- An Overview of Referendums in New Zealand and Regulation of Their Advertising (PDF: 1056KB)
- Electoral Deposits (PDF: 834KB)
No.850(October 2021)
- Current Situation and Issues of Gender Equality Education in Japan (PDF: 829KB)
- Animal Protection Legislation in Sweden: Animal Welfare Ordinance (2019:66) (PDF: 854KB)
- Fighting Domestic Violence in Japan and Other Countries (PDF: 892KB)
- Problems of Discharging ALPS Treated Water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station into the Sea (PDF: 929KB)
- Responsible Supply Chains and Human Rights Due Diligence (PDF: 969KB)
No.849(September 2021)
- Current Situation and Issues of Disaster Prediction by Weather Forecast (PDF: 1021KB)
- The Semiconductor Industry and National Policies in the Digital Age : A Consideration from the Perspective of Economic Security (PDF: 1502KB)
- An Overview and Issues of the WTO (PDF: 1142KB)
- Issues for Young Carer Measures (PDF: 1104KB)
No.848(August 2021)
- Impact on Local Government Efficiency Due to Acceptance of the Hometown Tax Donation System in Japan: From the Perspective of Reduction in Technical Efficiency Caused by "Financial Illusion" (PDF: 1134KB)
- Institutional Framework for Corporations that Acquire the Right to Agricultural Land and Manage Agriculture : Its History and Issues (PDF: 928KB)
- Balancing Work and Family Life of Local Councillors: Efforts for Considering Councillors' Childbirth and Childcare in Local Councils in Japan and Other Countries (PDF: 765KB)
- Laws and Situations Surrounding Married Names in Japan and Other Countries (PDF: 910KB)
- Classifications and Practices of Fundamental Corporate Tax Reform: Cash Flow Corporate Tax, ACE, CBIT, DBCFT (PDF: 1023KB)
No.847(Jul 2021)
- Current Issues in the International Arbitration System, including the Use of International Mediation (PDF: 988KB)
- The European "Basic Income Experiment" and Public Assistance Reform (PDF: 772KB)
- The Challenge of Promoting E-Government in Germany (PDF: 898KB)
- Confidence Motions in Parliamentary Government under the Current French Constitution: The Procedures (PDF: 1010KB)
No.846(June 2021)
- Opioid Abuse Problems of U.S. Veterans: A Link Between War and Society (PDF: 983KB)
- The European Green Deal and the New Industrial Strategy for Europe: The Twin Ecological and Digital Transitions (PDF: 1721KB)
- Issues on Quantitative Easing by the European Central Bank (PDF: 1479KB)
- Differences in Electing or Appointing Senators in 12 Countries (PDF: 805KB)
No.845(May 2021)
- Transgender Athletes and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 : A Discussion of Issues (PDF: 796KB)
- Export Control and Foreign Direct Investment Control : Recent Movements in Major Countries (PDF: 950KB)
- Trends in Policy for the Analytics of Educational Data (PDF: 879KB)
- Special Advisers : Political Appointees in the United Kingdom (PDF: 728KB)
No.844(April 2021)
- Free Public Education Principle of the Constitution and Higher Education in France: Discussion on the 2019 Decision of the Constitutional Council and the 2020 Decision of the Council of State (PDF: 978KB)
- Issues on Central Bank Digital Currency (PDF: 1249KB)
- Salaries and expenses for Members of Parliament in the UK as well as their related mechanisms (PDF: 876KB)
- Withdrawal from International Organizations (PDF: 878KB)
- Records Management and Freedom of Information in the French Armed Forces: A Comparison with the Japan Self-Defense Forces' Overseas Activity Logs (PDF: 836KB)
No.843(March 2021)
- What Issues Exist with Property Tax on Depreciable Assets?: Interregional Movement of Tax Base and Tax Competition between Municipalities (PDF: 865KB)
- End-of-Life Care in the UK: Recent Policy Developments (PDF: 1142KB)
- Vote-value Disparity in Regard to the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors (PDF: 626KB)
- History and Trends of Corporate Tax Reform in Major Western Countries (PDF: 1413KB)
No.842(March 2021)
- 10 Years after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Understanding the Past and the Present to provide for the Future (PDF: 411KB)
- Current Issues in Helping Persons Left Stranded by Earthquakes: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake (PDF: 987KB)
- The History of Tsunami Preparedness (PDF: 978KB)
- Natural Disasters and Social Media: 10 Years since the Great East Japan Earthquake (PDF: 1469KB)
- Public Finance and Economic Issues in Japanese Municipalities with Nuclear Powerplants: 10 Years after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident (PDF: 1020KB)
- Current Fiscal Measures Related to the Great East Japan Earthquake (PDF: 693KB)
No.841(February 2021)
- Recommendations of House Select Committee on the Modernization of U.S. Congress (PDF: 809KB)
- Developments of the Board System in Japan (PDF: 916KB)
- Critical Retrospective Review of Agricultural Structural Policy since 2000: Agricultural Land System, Agricultural Land Accumulation Measures, and Paddy Field Policy (PDF: 882KB)
- Current Issues in Road Space Allocation in Japan (PDF: 3316KB)
No.840(January 2021)
- COVID-19 and the Japanese Economy: Government Response to the Impact on Households and the Business Sector (PDF: 1133KB)
- The COVID-19 Pandemic and Aid for the Entertainment Sector (PDF: 887KB)
- The Confidence Relationship between Parliament and the Government in the UK Constitution: Constitutional Conventions on Confidence Motions (PDF: 962KB)
- National Implementation of Treaties in Japan, the U.S. and the U.K.: The Role of Parliament and Treaties in the National Legal Order (PDF: 813KB)
No.839(December 2020)
- An Introduction to the Special Feature "COVID-19 and Health " Medical Care Systems" (PDF: 355KB)
- COVID-19 and the Healthcare System (PDF: 1221KB)
- U.S. Federal Government Response to COVID-19: Measures to Prevent the Spread of Infection and Maintain Health Services (PDF: 1010KB)
- Deregulation of Telehealth during the COVID-19 Response in Japan and the United States (PDF: 1046KB)
- Opioid Abuse in the United States: An Ongoing Public Health Crisis (PDF: 1046KB)
- Structure of the Cost Burden for the Grid and Wheeling Charges: (PDF: 1916KB)
- Liability of Internet Intermediaries in the U.S. and Europe (PDF: 961KB)
No.838(November 2020)
- Japan’s Food Supply during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Focusing on Developments through June 2020 (PDF: 1385KB)
- An Essay on Restrictions on Property Rights under Article 29 of the Constitution of Japan due to Requests and Instructions for Suspension of Business under the Act on Special Measures for Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases Preparedness and Response (PDF: 856KB)
- The COVID-19 Pandemic and Implications for Financial Stability: Policy Measures Taken and the Risk of Financial Crisis (PDF: 1322KB)
- Dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic: Financial Issues of Local Governments (PDF: 1048KB)
No.837(October 2020)
- Disaster Relief Operations by the Self-Defense Forces after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Including the Response to COVID-19 (PDF: 1084KB)
- The Federal Constitutional Court Ruling against Prohibition of Right-Wing Extremist Parties and Amending the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany: The Aporia of Prohibiting Political Parties and Control through the European Convention on Human Rights (PDF: 1044KB)
- Property Taxes and Tax Autonomy: Competition between Municipalities and Tax Exportation (PDF: 984KB)
- Reforming the Senate of Canada and Political Partisanship: Trudeau’s Reform of the Senate Appointment Process (PDF: 1003KB)
- Current Issues in Compact City Policy in Japan: A Comparison with Europe (PDF: 4405KB)
No.836(September 2020)
- Archiving of Public Records by Government Agencies (PDF: 1434KB)
- Recent Developments in the Performance-Based Executive Compensation of Listed Companies (PDF: 1264KB)
- Recent Issues in Utilizing Dam Functionality (PDF: 1260KB)
- 2019 Reform of the Rules of Procedure of the German Bundestag: Introduction of the Chancellor’s Question Time and other Changes (PDF: 940KB)
- Recent Issues and Policies for Maintaining Municipal Public Transportation Systems (PDF: 1060KB)
No.835(August 2020)
- Activities of What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth as an Evidence Intermediary: Vitalization of Regional Economy and EBPM in the United Kingdom (PDF: 2582KB)
- Japanese Language Education for Foreign Students in Japan (PDF: 1275KB)
- Criminal Legislation on Overseas Military Operations in France (PDF: 1077KB)
- Prevention of Adult Sex Off enders Recidivism in Osaka Prefecture (PDF: 884KB)
- Membership of UK Political Parties (PDF: 1546KB)
No.834(July 2020)
- Restricted Shoppers: The Problem of Japanese Food Deserts (PDF: 733KB)
- Education for Democracy: Restoring Civics Education in the United States (PDF: 700KB)
- Aspects of the Debate over the Secrecy of Communications (PDF: 722KB)
- Measures Tackling the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Switzerland (PDF: 856KB)
- A Collaboratively Derived International Research Agenda on Legislative Science Advice (PDF: 1079KB)
No.833(June 2020)
- End-of-Life Care in a Super-aged Society (PDF: 941KB)
- Efforts in the International Logistics Hub Industry Development Zone in Okinawa (PDF: 1449KB)
- Current Situation and Issues of Terrestrial Local TV Stations (PDF: 1100KB)
- Age of Candidacy in Parliamentary Elections (PDF: 725KB)
- Trends on Tax Expenditures in Foreign Countries (PDF: 772KB)
No.832(May 2020)
- Strengthening the Capacity to Cope with Cyber Attacks of the Japan Self-Defense Forces and U.S. Armed Forces (PDF: 743KB)
- Referendum System in Taiwan (PDF: 890KB)
- Discussion on Productivity (PDF: 1993KB)
- The History of the City Park System and Related Issues of Pubic Private Partnership (PDF: 1342KB)
- Innovative Policies on the Employment of Persons with Disabilities in the Chugoku District: Cases in Soja City (Okayama Prefecture) and Tottori Prefecture (PDF: 754KB)
No.831(April 2020)
- Problems and Reform of Higher Education Admission System in France (PDF: 706KB)
- Current Situation and Issues of High-Standard Levee Construction (PDF: 910KB)
- Discussions over Automation and Future of Employment (PDF: 2080KB)
- Japan’s International Capacity Building Assistance for Maritime Law Enforcement Capabilities: Providing Patrol Vessels and SDF Equipment (PDF: 710KB)
No.830(March 2020)
- Past and Present Issues in Real Property Registration System (PDF: 771KB)
- Local Government Taxation of Corporations: Why is the Tax Rate in Tokyo so High? (PDF: 1447KB)
- Mental Health Measures for Canadian Armed Forces Members: Focusing on the Efforts of the Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs in Canada (PDF: 658KB)
- Laws on Gender Recognition in Japan and other Countries (PDF: 753KB)
No.829(February 2020)
- An Introduction to the Special Issue on Marine Plastic Litter (PDF: 312KB)
- Current Status of and Countermeasures for Marine Plastic Pollution (PDF: 931KB)
- Overview of Municipal Solid Waste Management and Current Status of Single-use Plastics Regulation in the United States (PDF: 1195KB)
- Trends of International Trade in Waste Plastics (PDF: 719KB)
- Discussions in the Era of the Meiji Constitution over Constitutional Conflicts and the Power of Judicial Review (PDF: 864KB)
- Cases of Reduction and Abolishment of VAT and GST (PDF: 1437KB)
- Diversity of Methods for Raising Minimum Wage: Recent Movements in the U.S.A. (PDF: 774KB)
No.828(January 2020)
- The History and Reforms of the Committee on Ethics, United States House of Representatives (PDF: 888KB)
- Cybersecurity Enhancement Measures for Critical Infrastructure in the United States (PDF: 784KB)
- Situation of World Natural Heritage in Japan (PDF: 1564KB)
- Financial Assistance from the Federal Government to the State Governments in Germany (PDF: 1155KB)
No.827(December 2019)
- Situation and Distribution of Household Wealth in Japan: Recent Trends and Comparison with Major Countries (PDF: 1880KB)
- Domestic and International Trends in Taxes on Transfers of Wealth (PDF: 623KB)
- Local Tax Revenues: Recent Issues and Related Eff orts of Local Governments (PDF: 694KB)
- Viral Hepatitis Control Measures (PDF: 1434KB)
No.826(November 2019)
- Convenience Stores at a Turning Point (PDF: 916KB)
- Dementia: Situation, Policies and Issues (PDF: 957KB)
- College for All and the Evolution of Career and Technical Education (CTE) in the United States (PDF: 751KB)
- Bulletin of National Referendums in Japan and Switzerland (PDF: 1182KB)
- Annual Financial Reporting by Government Departments in the United States and the United Kingdom: Focusing on Internal Control and Internal Audit (PDF: 846KB)
No.825(October 2019)
- Quantitative Evaluation of Program Effects (PDF: 777KB)
- Referendums in the United Kingdom: Constitutional Reform and Referendum Experience (PDF: 812KB)
- Mental Health Issues in Canada: Efforts of the Canadian Parliament and Federal Government (PDF: 675KB)
- Current Situation and Measures to Combat Congestion of Urban Railways in the Tokyo Area (PDF: 1451KB)
- Current Situation and Issues of Support for the Lost Generation (PDF: 741KB)
No.824(September 2019)
- Acceptance of Loan-words and Use in Law (PDF: 895KB)
- Issues of Chemical Castration for Sex Offenders (PDF: 807KB)
- Discussion on Jurisdiction over Members of Armed Forces in a Foreign State in the Absence of Agreements with that State: Views in United States Government Agencies about such Jurisdiction (PDF: 685KB)
- Process and Issues of Farming Income Stabilization Measures (PDF: 1241KB)
- Cabinet Systems in Western Countries and Japan (PDF: 778KB)
No.823(August 2019)
- The Electoral System of the Irish House of Representatives (Dáil Éireann) (PDF: 918KB)
- Developments in and Current Conditions of Community Farming: on the Occasion of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028) (PDF: 1106KB)
- Introduction, Implementation and Abolition of Referendum System in the Netherlands (PDF: 802KB)
- Use of ICT in Healthcare: Focusing on Telemedicine in the Kyushu Region (PDF: 1020KB)
No.822(July 2019)
- The Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth and Emergency (PDF: 817KB)
- The Current Status and Issues of Diversified Short-term Rental (PDF: 827KB)
- Promotion of the Individual Number Card by Local Authorities in (PDF: 664KB)
- Discussions on the Provision on the Role of Women in the Irish (PDF: 847KB)
- Issues on Voter Turnout (PDF: 1122KB)
- The History of the Comfort Women Issue: Focusing on Actions by (PDF: 816KB)
No.821(June 2019)
No.820(May 2019)
- Wealth Transfer and Taxation: Promotion of Wealth Transfer to Younger Generations, and Inheritance and Gift Tax (PDF: 705KB)
- Super-Aged Society and Financial Services Viewed from Data (PDF: 1417KB)
- The Current Discussion on the Changing Role of the Community Pharmacist (PDF: 898KB)
- Efforts of Local Government on the Hometown Tax Donation System in Hokkaido (PDF: 771KB)
- Refugee Recognition System in Japan (PDF: 600KB)
No.819(April 2019)
- Current Issues in Plea Bargaining in Japan (PDF: 779KB)
- Administration of Public Records and Archives in France (PDF: 669KB)
- Gender and Sexual Diversity and the Law: Same-sex Marriage, Change of Gender, and Third Gender Options (PDF: 689KB)
- Current Issues in Renewable Energy (PDF: 1180KB)
- “Pay for Performance” and the Quality of Healthcare: The situation outside of Japan (PDF: 726KB)
No.818(March 2019)
- Trends in China-Taiwan Relations: A Focus on the One China Principle (PDF: 1089KB)
- Implementation of 2008 SNA in Japanese National Accounts: Benchmark Year Revision of 2011 and Ongoing Progress (PDF: 908KB)
- The Essence of Phenomena Caused by the Home Tax Donation System in Japan (PDF: 1235KB)
- Executive Interpretation of the Constitution in the United States (PDF: 713KB)
No.817(February 2019)
- How Americans Viewed the Evolution and Deterioration of the Meiji Constitutional System: From the Era of Political Party Cabinets through the February 26 Incident (PDF: 990KB)
- Restructuring Environmental Administrative Organizations in the United Kingdom, Germany and France (PDF: 912KB)
- Local Authorities’ Participation in Local Bus Policies in Japan and England (PDF: 1278KB)
- New Animal Protection Law in Sweden (PDF: 662KB)
No.816(January 2019)
- History and Problems of the Former Eugenic Protection Act: with a Focus on Forced Sterilization (PDF: 814KB)
- Procedure and Cases of Constitutional Amendment in Ireland (PDF: 1058KB)
- Trends and Issues in Public and Private Funds (PDF: 1394KB)
- Flight Regulations of United States Air Force Aircraft over Foreign Territories (PDF: 579KB)
No.815(December 2018)
- Promoting Cultural and Artistic Activities by Persons with Disabilities (PDF: 710KB)
- Mandatory Disclosure Rules on Tax Information: The BEPS Project and the European Union’s New Directive (PDF: 607KB)
- Current Japanese Regulations on Artificial Reproductive Technology and the Development of Legal Systems (PDF: 785KB)
No.814(November 2018)
No.813(October 2018)
- Signifi cance in Corporate Governance of Appointing Outside Directors (PDF: 723KB)
- Issues for the Accelerated Development of the Linear Shinkansen:Risk from Tunnel Construction of Delay in Opening the Line (PDF: 806KB)
- Issues and Prospects of Work Style Reform in School (PDF: 707KB)
- Making of the Swiss Federal Constitution of 1999: How the Constitution was “Updated” (PDF: 612KB)
No.812(September 2018)
- On the Growth and Future Trends of Health Care and Long-term Care Markets (PDF: 1022KB)
- Discussion on Political Aspects of the Direct Payment to Farmers in the Hilly and Mountainous Areas: from the Viewpoint of the Regional Policy and the Industrial Policy (PDF: 1285KB)
- Current Situation and Issues of Truck Freight (PDF: 760KB)
- Stockpiling and National Economic Supply System of Food and Drinking Water in Switzerland (PDF: 938KB)
- Prefectural and Municipal Public Contracts Ordinances: Current Situation and Outlines (PDF: 1216KB)
No.811(August 2018)
- How Americans Viewed the Establishment of the Meiji Constitution and Political Developments under It (PDF: 987KB)
- Status of Forces Agreements with the United States and Their Principal Provisions (PDF: 684KB)
- South Korean Moon Jae-in Administration’s Policy toward North Korea : The rocess to the Improvement of Relations Triggered by the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games (PDF: 920KB)
- Case Report of Utilizing Medical Data : Medical Information Network and Genome-Cohort Study in Tohoku Region (PDF: 1003KB)
- Changing the Name of an Era (PDF: 948KB)
No.810(July 2018)
- Targets for Fiscal Consolidation in the European Union (PDF: 1206KB)
- White-collar Worker’s Working Hours Regulations in Japan and France : Related to Movement toward the Establishment of“Advanced Professionals System” (PDF: 957KB)
- Military Operations of U.S. Forces and Land Use Control Programs around Military Bases : from Environmental Perspectives (PDF: 817KB)
- Outline of and Issues with Inheritance Tax Relief on Succession of Unlisted Shares in SMEs (PDF: 1007KB)
No.809(June 2018)
No.808(May 2018)
- Establishment of the Agnatic Primogeniture System and the System in which All Royal Offspring Shall Be Treated as Royals in the Imperial Household Law of 1889 (PDF: 1012KB)
- Major Issues in Monetary Policy at the Bank of Japan : Looking Back on the Five Years under Kuroda’s Leadership (PDF: 888KB)
- Issues Regarding Allocation Criteria for Local Consumption Tax (PDF: 848KB)
No.807(April 2018)
No.806(March 2018)
- Climate Change Policy of the United States under the Obama Administration (PDF: 1743KB)
- How Should We Think about the Interaction between National Tax and Local Tax?: Focusing on Deduction of Local Tax Payments from Taxable Income of National Tax in View of Tax Externality (PDF: 638KB)
- Trends in Recent Fiscal Situations in France: Concerning the Revisions Including that of Tax Habitation (PDF: 760KB)
- National Budget System in Italy: in Light of the Recent Reforms (PDF: 944KB)
No.805(February 2018)
- Foreword: Special Issue on the Austrian Constitution (PDF: 301KB)
- Review of the Government Bills by the Constitutional Service (Verfassungsdienst) in Austria (PDF: 504KB)
- Function of the Constitutional Service (Verfassungsdienst) in Austria (PDF: 577KB)
- Emergency Clauses in Austrian Constitution (PDF: 518KB)
- Transforming the Industrial Structure through Developing SMCs’ New Business: Promoting the Conversion of Core Business by Utilizing Management Resources (PDF: 1049KB)
- Legal Protection of Same-sex Couples in the World: 2013.8-2017.12, especially Same-sex Marriage (PDF: 926KB)
- Current Situation of the Costs of Stationing the U.S. Forces in Japan (PDF: 906KB)
No.804(January 2018)
- Process and the Present State of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Measures (PDF: 767KB)
- Foreign Workers in Japan (PDF: 1264KB)
- The Organizational Reform of the Liberal Party of Canada: A Road to “Free Liberal Membership” (PDF: 1586KB)
- Ministerial Policies for Revitalization of the Local Economy through Financial Intermediation: Achievements and Outstanding Issues of the Relationship Banking Approach (PDF: 1759KB)
- Relationship Banking Measures by Regional Financial Institutions in the Kyushu Region (PDF: 1208KB)
- Current Situation of the Costs of Stationing the U.S. Forces in Japan (PDF: 670KB)
No.803(December 2017)
- Systems of Succession to the Throne and Membership of the Royal Family in European Monarchies: Monarchies under Male Preference Primogeniture (PDF: 1114KB)
- Defense Budget Request of the Trump Administration (PDF: 658KB)
- Realignment of US Forces in Europe since 2000 and Annexation of Crimea by Russia (PDF: 844KB)
- The Network Neutrality Debate (PDF: 934KB)
- Urban Agriculture Trends in the United States (PDF: 684KB)
No.802(November 2017)
- Systems of Succession to the Throne and Membership of the Royal Family in European Monarchies: Monarchies under Agnatic Primogeniture before Recent Amendments (PDF: 994KB)
- Immigrant EL Students in U.S. Schools: Implication of High-Stakes Education Reform (PDF: 670KB)
- Constitution of the Italian Republic and Emergencies (PDF: 623KB)
No.801(October 2017)
- Current Situation of Juvenile Justice System in Japan and Issues on Reducing the Applicable Age of Juvenile Act (PDF: 764KB)
- Work Style Reform and Japanese Economy: Improvement of Labor Participation Rate and Labor Productivity (PDF: 1300KB)
- Review of the Surcharge System of the Antimonopoly Act (PDF: 1008KB)
No.800(September 2017)
- Short History of The Reference, from no.701 to no.800 (PDF: 601KB)
- The Reform of Coll?ges in France (PDF: 849KB)
- Meaning of the Chamber of Local Representation: A Survey Based on Constitutional Amendment Proposals and Constitutions of Foreign Countries (PDF: 898KB)
- Safety of Railway Station Platforms: Current Situation and Measures (PDF: 1441KB)
- The Process from the Formation of the Imperial Rescript on Education to the Resolutions after World War II (PDF: 826KB)
- International Comparison of Measures to Promote Fathers’ Take-up of Parental Leave: Cases in Japan, USA, UK, Germany, France, Sweden and Norway (PDF: 1252KB)
No.799(August 2017)
No.798(July 2017)
- Hospitalization for Medical Care and Protection: Its History and Future (PDF: 699KB)
- Issues on R&D Tax Incentives (PDF: 753KB)
- Current Situation and Problems of Alternative Care in Japan: Foster Care and Special Adoption (PDF: 1108KB)
- Tax Units and Methods of Giving Standard Relief (Basic, Marriage and Children) in OECD Countries (PDF: 836KB)
No.797(June 2017)
- ‘Stability and Growth Pact’ at Present: On the Framework of Fiscal Governance in the European Union (PDF: 610KB)
- Problems of Aging Condominiums (PDF: 610KB)
- Minimum Wage System of Japan, Europe and U.S.A.: Recent Movements and Issues (PDF: 609KB)
- Overseas Expansion of Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for it: Case Study of Ehime, Fukui and Ishikawa Prefectures (PDF: 861KB)
No.796(May 2017)
- Foreign and National Security Policies of the Trump Administration (PDF: 670KB)
- Brazilian Federal System and Local Government System (PDF: 731KB)
- Singapore’s National Security Policy: History and IssuesConsumption Change (PDF: 1131KB)
- Information Environment and Online Risks for Young People (PDF: 784KB)
- Disparities in Electing or Appointing Senators in 16 Countries (PDF: 534KB)
- Chinese Diplomacy toward Neighboring Countries around the South China Sea: Focusing on Vietnam and the Philippines (PDF: 666KB)
No.795(April 2017)
- Promotion and Infrastructure Construction of MICE (PDF: 1206KB)
- Current Situation and Problems in the Economy and the Society of the Northern Territories (PDF: 1498KB)
- Outlook for Household Consumption at a Time of Aging and Decrease of the Household in Japan, Based on Factor Analysis for Past Consumption Change (PDF: 1751KB)
- Three cases of referendum in Austria and its problems (PDF: 692KB)
- In-Work Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits in Foreign Countries (PDF: 1021KB)
- Science and Technology Policies in the Islamic Republic of Iran (PDF: 1001KB)
No.794(March 2017)
- 20 Years of Wait-listed Children Countermeasures, and the Current Issues (PDF: 1173KB)
- Issues Related to Drastic Reform of Japanese Local Tax System from the Viewpoint of Tax Autonomy and Tax Externalities (PDF: 724KB)
- Legislation on Interceptions by Cell-site Simulators in France (PDF: 620KB)
- Foreword: Special Issue on Constitutions of European Countries (PDF: 295KB)
- Process of Making Government Bills and Government Oversight of Constitutionality in the Federal Republic of Germany (PDF: 751KB)
- Monarch and Executive Power in the UK Constitution (PDF: 787KB)
- Constitutionality of Constitutional Amendment by Exceptional Amendment Procedure: Cases of Italy and Belgium (PDF: 537KB)
No.793(February 2017)
- An Introduction to the Special Issue on National Security and Defense (PDF: 304KB)
- Japan-U.S. Agreement on Environment, Supplementary to SOFA, and the Japan Environmental Governing Standards (JEGS) (PDF: 685KB)
- CIA’s In-Q-Tel: Dual-Use Technology Development and Innovation Policy in the IT age (PDF: 661KB)
- Five Principles for Participation in the International Peace Cooperation Act and Host Countries in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (PDF: 617KB)
- Reduction of Military Spending under the Obama Administration: Sequestration and Reviews of Defense Strategy and Force Planning (PDF: 1106KB)
- Terminal Care and “Euthanasia”, “Death with Dignity”: Current Situation of its Legislation (PDF: 773KB)
No.792(January 2017)
- Japan’s Industrial Location and Measures for Promoting FDI to Japan: Checking the Barriers to Foreign Capital’s Investment (PDF: 1608KB)
- The Legal Systems of Assisted Reproductive Technology in Germany and Italy (PDF: 824KB)
- Britain’s Review of its Relationship with the EU:Balance of Competences Review and In/Out Referendum (PDF: 645KB)
No.791(December 2016)
- Measures of the European Union against Non-cooperative Tax Jurisdictions: Making the Blacklist of Tax Havens (PDF: 657KB)
- Thought of Law and Governance in Pre-modern Japan (PDF: 716KB)
- Policy Responses to Population Decline in Toyama and Ishikawa (PDF: 705KB)
- How Many Bills Have Been Introduced to and Passed by the Parliament in Japan, US, UK, Germany and France? (PDF: 1608KB)
- Unicameral/Bicameral Systems of Parliaments in the World (2016) (PDF: 1156KB)
No.790(November 2016)
- Current Situation and Problems of Industrial Accident Compensation (PDF: 1070KB)
- Development of EU Animal Health Policy: Especially on Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429) (PDF: 670KB)
- Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act: Federal Role in Education in the United States (PDF: 752KB)
- Referendums in Austria (PDF: 708KB)
- Current Situation and Future Themes of Financial Education in Japan: Compared with Other Countries (PDF: 677KB)
- Toward Improving Energy Performance of Buildings: Policies in Japan and EU (Germany and Britain) (PDF: 1057KB)
No.789(October 2016)
- Development and Current Issues of After-School Child Sound Upbringing Services (PDF: 1427KB)
- Future Trends and Issues of Vitalization of Regional Economy Based on Population Decline and Economic Globalization (PDF: 1259KB)
- Safety Measures at Level Crossings (PDF: 999KB)
- Issues of Regulation of the Broadcast Programs: Focusing on the Legal Character of Program Editorial Rules Established under the Broadcast Act (PDF: 808KB)
No.788(September 2016)
- Britain’s Changing Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Possibility of Dialogic Judicial Review (PDF: 766KB)
- The Legal Systems of Assisted Reproductive Technology in the UK and France (PDF: 709KB)
- Issues of Conspiracy (PDF: 578KB)
- Governments and their Compositions in 10 Western Countries since 1945 (PDF: 599KB)
No.787(August 2016)
- Electoral Reform in Germany (2): Future of German Mixed Member Proportional System (PDF: 656KB)
- German Federal Constitutional Court Decision on July 25, 2012 Regarding the Electoral Reform of the German Bundestag (Parliament) and Relative Articles of the Federal Election Law (Japanese Translation) (PDF: 606KB)
- Political Gridlock and Separation of Powers in the United States (PDF: 670KB)
- Effects of FDI on Japanese Economy:Impacts on Productivity Improvement and Job Creation in Industries (PDF: 1961KB)
- Circumstances Surrounding the Rideshare (PDF: 804KB)
No.786(July 2016)
- Aspects of Relations between Legislation Initiated by Diet Members and by the Cabinet: With the Main Focus on Examples of Legislation on Agriculture, Forestry and Environment (PDF: 1052KB)
- Indirect Employment in France (PDF: 708KB)
- Emergency Clauses in Basic Law of Federal Republic of Germany (PDF: 725KB)
No.785(June 2016)
- Points of View on the Reform of Inheritance Taxation (PDF: 746KB)
- Boundary of Higher Education: A Dispute over Professionally-oriented Higher Education Institutions (PDF: 750KB)
- The Trend of the Asbestos Health Damage and Relief of the Victims: Focusing on the Relief Measures and Suits for Damages (PDF: 1242KB)
- Lawsuits over Minamata Disease (PDF: 804KB)
No.784(May 2016)
No.783(April 2016)
- An Introduction to the Special Issue on Japan’s New Legislation for Peace and Security (PDF: 434KB)
- Some Problems of Japan’s New Legislation for Peace and Security from the Viewpoint of Unit Self-Defense: Implication and Limitation of JSDF’s Protection of Foreign Armed Forces (PDF: 738KB)
- Support to Hostilities by Armed Forces in International Law (PDF: 680KB)
- Development of Japan’s Security Legislation and Public Opinion after World War Ⅱ (PDF: 658KB)
- The Administrative Departments of the « Conseil d’État » as Interpreters of the Constitution in France (PDF: 578KB)
- The Constitutional Amendment Process in France (PDF: 1159KB)
No.782(March 2016)
- Innovation of Policy Tools in an Era of Population Decline (PDF: 941KB)
- Importance of Activation of Citizens’ Engagement in Germany as a Society of Population Decline (PDF: 1018KB)
- Administrative System and Governance in the United Kingdom (PDF: 1121KB)
- The Control over Agents of the Public Administration (PDF: 973KB)
- Youth Participation in Decision Making (PDF: 1013KB)
- Utilization of ICT by Local Governments Facing Population Decline (PDF: 1433KB)
- Spanish Local Government System: Questions about the Catalan Independence Movement and the New Forms of the Autonomous Communities System (PDF: 1033KB)
No.781(February 2016)
- An Introduction to Issues of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games (PDF: 912KB)
- Olympic Games from an Economic Perspective (PDF: 1199KB)
- The London Olympic Games and Oversight of Administration by the Committee of Public Accounts of the House of Commons (PDF: 1083KB)
- Olympic Games and Public Diplomacy : Strategic Public Diplomacy toward the Tokyo Games (PDF: 954KB)
- Utilization of Bicycles in the Wake of the Olympic Games (PDF: 1110KB)
- Olympic Legacy in Community Sports (PDF: 970KB)
- Paralympic and Para-Sports: Current Status and Issues (PDF: 973KB)
No.780(January 2016 )
- Intelligent Transport System (ITS):Its History and Current Situation in Japan (PDF: 1032KB)
- Changes in Legislation Initiated by Diet Members (PDF: 1246KB)
- Britain’s Review of its Relationship with the EU:Balance of Competences Review and In/Out Referendum (PDF: 1101KB)
- The Management Situation of the Assembly Documents in the German Bundestag:Mainly on Parliamentary Archive and Archive Regulations (PDF: 860KB)
- U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:Its Establishment and the Recent Development (PDF: 873KB)
- How Should We Think about the Relationship between “Abenomics” and Inequality?:Focusing on the Effects of Infl ation on Inequality (PDF: 1081KB)