Foreign Legislation
ISSN 1349-2071
ISSN-L 0433-096X
(print version) ISSN 0433-096X
Foreign Legislation provides Japanese translations of foreign laws, explanation of the background of legislation, compact information on foreign legislative activities. Here is an index of reports published in the quarterly version.(Japanese)
No.302-2(February 2025)
No.302-1(January 2025)
No.302(December 2024)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- Establishment of Federal Police Commissioner in Germany - Enactment of Police Commissioner Law (PDF: 587KB)
- Public Financial Aid to Political Parties in Italy - Focusing on Decree-Law 149/2013 (PDF: 737KB)
- Republic of Korea: Anti-Stalking Acts (PDF: 794KB)
- China: Ecological Protection Compensation Regulations (PDF: 614KB)
No.301(September 2024)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- EU: Establishment of Regulation on the Transparency of Political Advertising in the EU (PDF: 690KB)
- France: Amendment of French Law of Copyright on the Internet–Establishment of The Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication (PDF: 710KB)
- Australia: National Emergency Declaration Act 2020 (PDF: 632KB)
No.300(June 2024)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- United States: New Federal Regulations Expanding Financial Value Transparency and Accountability in Higher Education (PDF: 688KB)
- United States: New Regulations on Federal Student Loan Income-driven Repayment Plans (PDF: 819KB)
- Policies regarding Development of Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles in Germany: Focusing on Fast Charging Act (PDF: 617KB)
- Republic of Korea: Act for Protected Birth and Support for Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers (PDF: 563KB)
- China: Regulations on the Protection of Minors Online (PDF: 672KB)
No.299(March 2024)
Feature Articles: Climate Change
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
No.298(December 2023)
Feature Articles: Protecting Children
- United States: Laws to Protect Children from Social Media, etc.: Focusing on the Federal Law COPPA and State New Legislation (PDF: 692KB)
- France: Laws of Child Protection (PDF: 879KB)
- Republic of Korea: Birth Informing by Medical Institutions (PDF: 592KB)
- Taiwan: Amendment to the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act (PDF: 685KB)
No.297(September 2023)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
No.296(June 2023)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- United States: U.S. Trends and New Regulations regarding Federal Student Loan Forgiveness-Income-Driven Repayment Plans and Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PDF: 1071KB)
- Germany: Amendments to General Act on Equal Treatment in Germany (PDF: 663KB)
- Republic of Korea: Act for Local Small and Medium Enterprises (PDF: 706KB)
- Taiwan: Amendment to the National Security Act (PDF: 889KB)
No.295(March 2023)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- EU: 2022 Regulation on Roaming within the Union (PDF: 666KB)
- France: Laws on Public Libraries and Public Reading (PDF: 621KB)
- The Republic of Korea: Act for Prevention of Trafficking in Persons (PDF: 800KB)
- Australia: Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 (PDF: 581KB)
- The Philippines: Doktor Para sa Bayan Act (Doctors for the Municipalities Act) (PDF: 596KB)
No.294(December 2022)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- United States: U.S. Legislation on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in Schools (PDF: 847KB)
- United States: Laws on Human Trafficking ―Foreign Policy Issues (PDF: 1185KB)
- Hungary: Amendments to the Fundamental Law of Hungary (PDF: 735KB)
- China: Amendment to the Vocational Education Law (PDF: 755KB)
No.293(September 2022)
Feature Articles: Animal Protection
No.292(June 2022)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- United Kingdom: Telecommunications Infrastructure (Leasehold Property) Act 2021: Facing the Challenges of Deploying Gigabit Broadband in the UK (PDF: 647KB)
- Germany: The Online Access Act: Digitalization of Administrative Services and Portal Networks (PDF: 643KB)
- The Republic of Korea: Climate Change Legislation and Policy (PDF: 1117KB)
- China: The Wetland Protection Law (PDF: 716KB)
No.291(March 2022)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
No.290(December 2021)
Major Legislative Trends : Translation and Analysis
- United States : Laws on Amateur Sports : The Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act (PDF: 1459KB)
- United States : Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017 (PDF: 604KB)
- Germany: Gender Equality Legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany : Moving towards the Second Leadership Positions Act (PDF: 856KB)
- The Republic of Korea : Preventing and Punishing Serious Accidents : The Serious Accidents Punishment Act (PDF: 742KB)
No.289(September 2021)
Major Legislative Trends : Translation and Analysis
No.288(June 2021)
Major Legislative Trends : Translation and Analysis
No.287(March 2021)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
No.286(December 2020)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
No.285(September 2020)
- Work-life Balance Directive of the European Union (PDF: 673KB)
- Family Law in the German Civil Code: Developments in Parent-Child Relations (PDF: 1026KB)
- Legal Gender Recognition in Germany (PDF: 532KB)
- Italian Constitutional Reform: Comments on the Reduction of the Number of Parliamentary Members (PDF: 883KB)
No.284(June 2020)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 (PDF: 403KB)
- Laws on Human Trafficking in the U.S.: Investigation and Prosecution over 20 Years (PDF: 697KB)
- French Legislation to Crack Down on Violent Protests (PDF: 494KB)
- The Maintenance Advance Act (Unterhaltsvorschussgesetz): Special help for single parents in Germany (PDF: 495KB)
- Food Security and Food Preparation Law in Germany (PDF: 484KB)
No.283(March 2020)
No.282(December 2019)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- U.S. Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (PDF: 517KB)
- U.S. National Quantum Initiative Act (PDF: 498KB)
- EU Measures to Tackle Marine Litter and to Turn the EU into a Circular Economy: Directive on the Reduction of the Impact of Certain Plastic Products on the Environment (PDF: 763KB)
- Taiwan’s Culture Basic Law (PDF: 544KB)
No.281(September 2019)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- Automated and Electric Vehicles Act 2018 in the UK (PDF: 640KB)
- The Federal Archives of Germany and Federal Archives Act―Law for the Conservation and Use of Federal Archive Material of 10 March 2017― (PDF: 961KB)
- Basic Act on the Prevention of Violence against Women in the Republic of Korea (PDF: 645KB)
- China’s Revised Regulation on Government Information Disclosure (PDF: 567KB)
No.280(June 2019)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- 116th Congress Rules’ Changes of the U.S. House of Representatives (PDF: 722KB)
- Amendment of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (PDF: 489KB)
- Council Regulation on the Establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) of the EU (PDF: 804KB)
- Legislation for Improvement of Political Ethics in France (PDF: 806KB)
No.279(March 2019)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- Stronger measures to prevent sex crime in France: Act No. 2018-703, enacted 3 August 2018, strengthens the fight against sexual and sexist violence. (PDF: 503KB)
- Reform of the Rules of the Senate in Italy (PDF: 576KB)
- Countermeasures against Particulate Matter in the Republic of Korea: Enactment of a Special Law (PDF: 876KB)
- China's Heroes and Martyrs Protection Law (PDF: 590KB)
- Amendment of the Online Safety Act in Australia (PDF: 472KB)
No.278(December 2018)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- U.S. Women, Peace and Security Act of 2017 (PDF: 523KB)
- Reorganization of financial relations between the Federation and the Länder in Germany (PDF: 644KB)
- Germany's Network Enforcement Act: Tackling illegal online content (PDF: 421KB)
- China's Supervision Law and the national supervisory system (PDF: 732KB)
No.277(September 2018)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- EU Directive on the Security of Network and Information Systems (PDF: 539KB)
- Assisted reproductive technologies and the right of donor-conceived children to know their biological origins in Germany: Law on the establishment of a sperm donor registry and amendments to the German Civil Code (PDF: 577KB)
- Artist Welfare Act in the Republic of Korea (PDF: 642KB)
- Council of Australian Governments: Intergovernmental forum for the coordination of policy (PDF: 435KB)
No.276(June 2018)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
No.275(March 2018)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- Canadian Victims Bill of Rights (PDF: 887KB)
- Regulation of Election Campaign Expenses and Political Funds in France: Act No. 2017-286 of 6 March 2017 Strengthening the Accounting Obligations of Political Parties and Candidates (PDF: 605KB)
- German Law on Automatic Driving (PDF: 554KB)
- Federal Intelligence Service Act in Germany (PDF: 573KB)
- Promotion of the Use of Bicycles Act in the Republic of Korea (PDF: 570KB)
- Chinaʼs National Anthem Law (PDF: 440KB)
No.274(December 2017)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
No.273(September 2017)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act in America (PDF: 520KB)
- Security of Canada Information Sharing Act: Issues Concerning Information Activities and Privacy (PDF: 535KB)
- EU Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard (PDF: 685KB)
- Measures to Prevent Corruption in the Republic of Korea: Focusing on “Improper Solicitation and Graft Act” (PDF: 643KB)
- China's Film Industry Promotion Law (PDF: 556KB)
No.272(June 2017)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
No.271(March 2017)
Feature Articles: Legislation on Social Disparities
- Introduction to This Feature Titled “Legislation on Social Disparities” (PDF: 664KB)
- The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act―Support for Employment in the United States― (PDF: 1382KB)
- EU Regulation on the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) (PDF: 1085KB)
- Educational Reform in the UK: The Policy Concerning Academies (PDF: 1018KB)
- Law on Equality and Citizenship in France (PDF: 1332KB)
- Federal Education and Training Assistance Act in Germany (PDF: 1201KB)
- Reform of Labor Regulations in Italy: Law 183/2014 and its Subsequent Legislative Decrees (PDF: 1005KB)
- Outline of the Russian Federal Law on the Social Assistance System (PDF: 1007KB)
- Scholarship System in the Republic of Korea: Focusing on Income Contingent Loan (PDF: 1121KB)
- China’s Charity Law and Related Policies (PDF: 1094KB)
No.270(December 2016)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- New EU Directive to Attract Third-Country Researchers and Students (PDF: 733KB)
- Act on Registered Life Partnerships in Germany (PDF: 634KB)
- The New Italian Law on Civil Unions between People of the Same Sex and Cohabitation (PDF: 647KB)
- Act on Anti-Terrorism in the Republic of Korea (PDF: 671KB)
- Taiwan's Terrorism Financing Prevention Law (PDF: 493KB)
No.269(September 2016)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
Major Legislative Trends: Analysis
No.268(June 2016)
Major Legislative Trends: Translation and Analysis
- Decision on the Relocation of 120,000 Refugees among EU Member States (PDF: 848KB)
- The Freedom and the Regulations of Broadcasting in France (PDF: 828KB)
- Reform of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act in Germany (PDF: 1124KB)
- China’s Counter-Terrorism Law (PDF: 814KB)
- New Legislation about Harmful Digital Communications in New Zealand (PDF: 947KB)
No.267(March 2016)
Feature Articles:Secure Nation, Stable Society
- Introduction to This Feature Titled“ Secure Nation, Stable Society” (PDF: 605KB)
- USA FREEDOM Act: Intelligence Surveillance and Consideration of Human Rights (PDF: 1106KB)
- Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act 2011 in the UK: Measures to Deal with Terrorist Suspects (PDF: 1093KB)
- Reform of the Refugee Protection Act in France (PDF: 970KB)
- Residence Title of Migrants and Refugees in Germany (PDF: 1097KB)
- Russia’s Refugee Policies: Legal Regulations and Their Practices (PDF: 920KB)
- Reinforcement of Measures against Infectious Diseases in the Republic of Korea (PDF: 980KB)
- New Legislative Trend on National Security in China: Focusing on the National Security Law and the Counter-Terrorism Law (PDF: 858KB)
- Prevention of Terrorism Act 2015 of Malaysia (PDF: 945KB)