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This exhibition aims to electronically organize the special exhibitions held at the Tokyo Main Library from October 16 to 29, and at the Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library from November 13 to 26, 2008, on the website.
Descriptions are prepared and edited by the Special Exhibition Subcommittee under the National Diet Library Exhibition Committee.
All materials provided on the website are in the possession of the Rare Books and Old Materials Room of the NDL. Some of the materials are accessible from "NDL Digital Collections" on the website. To conserve the valuable materials, please access them in microfilmed form wherever possible.
- Commentaries on the materials are provided in the following order in principle:
Material number, title, number of volumes, author, publishing place, publisher, year of printing or copy, number of books, size, call number, exposition. - Titles not mentioned on the materials and the estimated years are indicated in square brackets, [ ].
- Years are shown in the Christian era and/or in the Japanese eras or periods.
- Sizes are indicated in centimeters in length
width format.
- Our call numbers are referred to in < >.
Character code and metatag were renovated. on August 8, 2012
Provision started on November 27, 2008
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The user must cite the source when using the Content. Sources should be cited in the following manner:
(Examples of source citation)
Rare books of the National Diet Library -The
60th anniversary- (https://www.ndl.go.jp/exhibit60/)
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Reader Services and Collections Department
National Diet Library
1-10-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8924