[金森6原則] Minister Kanamori's Six Principles on the Constitutional Reform

七・十一(水) ケヂス、金森会談ノ際ノ原則ヲ翻訳手交ノ為、加藤氏手記ニ手ヲ入レタモノ

第一 従来の天皇中心の基本的政治機構は新憲法では根本的に変更されてゐる
第二 現行憲法に於て国民意思は天皇により具体的に表現されるが新憲法では然らず。
第三 天皇は新憲法に於ては象徴たるに止まる。象徴の本質は天皇を通じて日本の姿を見ることが出来る。と云ふことに在るのであつて、国家意思又は国民意思を体現すると云ふやうな意味をもたない。
第四 現行憲法では天皇は何事も為し得る建前になつてゐるが、新憲法では、憲法に明記された事項以外は何事も為し得ない。
第五 現行憲法に於ける天皇の地位は天皇の意思又は皇室の世襲的意思に基くものと一般に考へられて居たが、新憲法に於ては天皇の地位は全く国民主権に由来する。
第六 政治機構とは別個の道徳的、精神的国家組織に於ては天皇が国民のセンターオブデヴォーションであることは憲法改正の前後を通じて変りはない。

Minister Kanamori's Six Principles
on the Constitutional Reform

17 July, 1946.

1. Under the new constitution Japan's basic government structure with the Emperor as the center is radically modified. There are those who think that the basic government with the Emperor as the center constitutes Japan's national character. But that, I believe, is the form of government, and not the character of nationhood.

2. Under the present constitution the will of the people is concretely expressed through the Emperor. But that is not the case with the new constitution, according to which the people's will finds concrete expression largely through the Diet.

3. Under the new constitution the Emperor remains simply a symbol. By saying that the Emperor is the symbol of the state and of national unity, it is meant essentially that in the person of the Emperor we may see the picture of Japan. It does not mean that he personifies the will of the state or of the people.

4. Under the present constitution the Emperor has the power to do practically everything. The new constitution clearly specifies his functions, beyond which he is not empowered to do anything. (It is absolutely impossible to extend or increase his functions by legislation.)

5. It has been generally considered that the position of the Emperor under the present constitution is based upon the will of the Emperor, or the hereditary will of the Imperial family. Under the new constitution the Emperor's position is derived solely from the will of the people.

6. But in the moral and spiritual sphere, apart from the question of government structure, the Emperor remains throughout both before and after the constitutional reform the center of the nation's devotion. The statement that Japan's national character does not change has reference to this point.
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