[Check Sheet, Government Section to Commander-in-Chief, dated 6 February 1946, subject, "Constitutional Revision"]

Check sheet, Government Section to Commander-in-Chief, dated 6 February 1946, subject, "Constitutional Revision"




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File No.: Subject: Constitutional Revision.
Note No.:
From: Govt. Section.
(General Whitney)
To: C-in-C. Date: 6 Feb 46

1. I am informed that the official version of the Cabinet's plan of constitutional revision will be presented to me to-morrow; that it follows pretty much the tenor of the newspaper reference I sent in this morning; that it includes provision for an army and navy.

2. I understand that this last provision caused a division in the Cabinet, some holding that its inclusion in the Constitution would be viewed with suspicion by the Allied Nations - others, led by Dr. Matsumoto, holding that provision for armed forces was an essential to independent existence, and that if Japan was not to be independent there was no need for constitution itself.

3. I am holding the work of this section on constitutional revision under the cover of absolute secrecy, and I am sure that the Japanese authority with whom I am to confer next Tuesday on their draft will have no prior information concerning ours.

4. The Office of Political Adviser apparently has been tipped off by Dr. Matsumoto that their draft is to be submitted here and they are prying for information. I may have to concede the receipt of such a draft, but intend to keep that office equally in the dark concerning any work we are here doing in the same field, or as to what our future plans are. I am following this course as I understand that someone in the Office of the Political Adviser has previously indicated to Dr. Matsumoto that the question of the Emperor's sovereign powers is a matter of but indifferent concern to the Allied Nations. If true, this may account for the manner in which the Matsumoto drafting committee is tenaciously holding to the first few articles of the original constitution.

5. The initial draft of our revised constitution will be ready for your consideration prior to the week-end, excepting modifications in detail. I am sure that, from present progress, it will prove a satisfactory document.
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