Memorandum for the President, Subject: Authority of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers


September 13, 1945



Subject: Authority of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers.

General MacArthur has sent the following message to the Joint Chiefs of Staff: "It would have a most beneficial and salutary effect if the instructions and powers of the Supreme Commander contained in your WX 60333 were published. Is there any objection?" A copy of the message in reference is attached hereto. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will transmit to General MacArthur a reply determined by the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee.

The State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee on August 12 approved publication of the message in reference on the understanding (1) that Presidential approval of their decision be obtained by the Acting Secretary of State and (2) that the Governments of the U.S.S.R., the United Kingdom and China be informed of the contents of the message prior to its publication.

If you approve publication of the message, the Department of State will inform the respective Embassies and the Joint Chiefs of Staff will inform General MacArthur that there is no objection to publication.


SWNCC 181/2
Dean Acheson
Acting Secretary


Message Number 1

1. The authority of the Emperor and the Japanese Government to rule the state is subordinate to you as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. You will exercise your authority as you deem proper to carry out your mission. 0ur relations with Japan do not rest on a contractual basis, but on an unconditional surrender. Since your authority is supreme, you will not entertain any question on the part of the Japanese as to its scope.

2. Control of Japan shall be exercised through the Japanese Government to the extent that such an arrangement produces satisfactory results. This does not prejudice your right to act directly if required. You may enforce the orders issued by you by the employment of such measures as you deem necessary, including the use of force.

3. The statement of intentions contained in the Potsdam Declaration will be given full effect. It will not be given effect, however, because we consider ourselves bound in a contractual relationship with Japan as a result of that document. It will be respected and given effect because the Potsdam Declaration forms a part of our policy stated in good faith with relation to Japan and with relation to peace and security in the Far East.

以下は上記文書の日本語訳です(一部、翻訳されていません)。「日本占領重要文書. 第1巻 基本篇」日本図書センター(1989)から転載しました。

1. 天皇及び日本政府の国家統治の権限は、連合国最高司令官としての貴官に従属する。貴官は、貴官の使命を実行するため貴官が適当と認めるところに従つて貴官の権限を行使する。われわれと日本との関係は、契約的基礎の上に立つているのではなく、無条件降伏を基礎とするものである。貴官の権限は最高であるから、貴官は、その範囲に関しては日本側からのいかなる異論をも受け付けない。

2. 日本の管理は、日本政府を通じて行われるが、これは、このような措置が満足な成果を挙げる限度内においてである。このことは、必要があれば直接に行動する貴官の権利を妨げるものではない。貴官は、実力の行使を含む貴官が必要と認めるような措置を執ることによつて、貴官の発した命令を強制することができる。

3. ポツダム宣言に含まれている意向の声明は、完全に実行される。しかし、それは、われわれがその文書の結果として日本との契約的関係に拘束されていると考えるからではない。それは、ポツダム宣言が、日本に関して、又極東における平和及び安全に関して、誠意をもつて示されているわれわれの政策の一部をなすものであるから、尊重され且つ実行されるのである。
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